Week of Games All-Starts Event - Tuesday March 27

March 27th 2012

Continuing our Week of Games, today we'll be holding a circuit event. All you have to do is complete that event in a multiplayer race within the 24 hours to be eligible. Everyone that completes the event will be entered into a random draw to win one of 10 daily Amazon Gold Starter Packs.

Here are the rules for today's event:

1. Any Porsche cars are eligible to enter today's event.

2. Drivers must complete the Silk Road event in a multiplayer race.

3. There are no regional / location restrictions for this community event. Players anywhere in the world can participate.

4. One entry per contestant.

Contest period:

The race begins 5:00pm (PST) Tuesday, March 27 and finishes 5:00pm (PST) Wednesday March 28.

If you're on the east coast, the contest starts 8:00pm (EST) Tuesday, March 27 and finishes 8:00pm Wednesday March 28.

If GMT is your timezone, the contest starts 1:00am (GMT) Wednesday March 28 and finishes 1:00am Tuesday March 29.

Winners this week will be selected by random draw and announced on Wednesday April 4.

Good luck!

And don't forget about the NFSW Starter Packs Gold, Silver and Bronze on Amazon.com for $9.99, $14.99 and $19.99!

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