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April 23, 2012, 5:06 p.m.

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last update June 2, 2024, 10:26 p.m.

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last update June 2, 2024, 10:26 p.m.

1934 Ford Model B Deluxe V-8

Need For Speed High Stakes

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Need For Speed High Stakes
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This is a conversion from Motor City Online. I was working on it a few years back when I got sidetracked by other stuff. I recently had some down time and started working on my MCO conversions again and this was the first one I finished.

I plan on releasing all of the MCO cars as I finish them over the next couple months. On all my conversions I will try to get the performance as close to original as possible. Each file will include two cars: a coupe with removeable hardtop and a convertible with removeable softop.

I'm not too concerned about copyrights and such, so if you can find a way to fix any of the bugs I've listed below or update the performance of the car closer to original, feel free to do so and notify me so that I can fix it or reupload it.

Known bugs:

No interior - No matter what I do when you look back it looks at the floorboards instead of out the back window.

No driver - Not enough room left in the TGA file after adding textures for wheels and tires.

Sound - Basic, raspy, NFS4 sound that most addon cars have. If anyone knows how to convert the MCO sounds to NFS4 I would greatly appreciate it.

May 28, 2012 - Updated interior with one from 1932 Ford, but rear view doesn't show roof or rear of seat (odd, since I copied and pasted all three DASH files and they work fine in the other car). Updated sound files with ones from MCO. Updated performance file to match original's. Updated wheels to match original's.


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